Precisely Manufactured
Precision Manufacturing and Quality Focus Deliver High-Performance Machine
Hitech employs stringent quality controls and precision manufacturing processes. Each component is carefully engineered and finely calibrated to the highest tolerances, resulting in demolition robots that deliver maximum power, responsive control, and durability.
Hitech adopts stringent quality controls and precision manufacturing processes to produce demolition robots of the highest caliber. Our ISO 9001 certified factory utilizes state-of-the-art CNC machining centers, precision tools, and equipment to machine and fabricate high-quality components with close tolerances.
Each hydraulic cylinder, valve, motor and mechanical part is carefully engineered and tested to optimize performance, reliability and safety. Fine adjustments and calibrations are made to ensure the precise matching and installation of all components.
Hitech's robots are built with high strength, rigid structural frames and joints to handle immense loads without flexing or warping. Hydraulic hoses and electrical wiring are neatly organized and secured to avoid interference. All moving parts are finely tuned to allow free and responsive movement without sloppiness.
Every completed robot goes through comprehensive factory testing including load tests, function tests, and test demolition to verify maximum power, precise control, proper hydraulic flows, and cooling system performance prior to shipment.
Hitech's strict adherence to precision manufacturing standards yields demolition robots with exceptional structural integrity, hydraulic efficiency, sensitivity of control, and overall robustness. Our precisely manufactured, finely-tuned products deliver outstanding results and a long service life, enabling customers to complete the most difficult demolition jobs productively and economically.
In summary, Hitech is committed to excellence through precision design and manufacturing. The high quality built into our demolition robots translates into superior performance, productivity, safety and value for customers.