Efficient Access to Subsurface Samples | Soil drill inserts 1.5m pipe in 73s
Efficient Access to Subsurface Samples | Soil drill inserts 1.5m pipe in 73sJuly 11, 2023


A new soil sampling drill rig, the HCZ450, has successfully completed rigorous field testing across a variety of challenging real-world conditions. The self-propelled, track-mounted drill was taken on location to remote testing sites featuring tough, densely-packed soil types.


In head-to-head tests against conventional drilling rigs, the HCZ450 consistently proved its unmatched capabilities in speed, power and undisturbed subsurface sampling. The drill's powerful hydraulic torque system enabled smooth, rapid penetration even in the most stubborn soil. Equipped with a 1.5 meter spiral auger, it collected intact core samples as deep as 15 feet in under a minute.


"We were impressed with its performance across rock-hard clays, compacted silt deposits and even partially-frozen ground," said project lead Dr. Tyler Fields. “The HCZ450 outdrilled every other rig, particularly in the deepest borings. The core samples will provide valuable data.”


According to the engineering team, the rig’s self-leveling, high-clearance carriage and all-terrain treads enabled drilling operations across sloped, rocky terrain while maintaining borehole verticality. The drill maintained rated torque and speeds without overheating, even on multi-hour runtimes.


“The HCZ450 exceeded expectations,” summarized Fields. “It represents a new generation of high-powered, durable soil sampling drills.” The successful field tests will accelerate deployment to new research sites planned this year.

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